Thursday 22 January 2015

Adder Cars and Lifters Offer and Control Variants released!

A detailed account of the origins and design of the Adder series of Combat Cars and Lifters can be found elsewhere in the database.  However not all the Adders taken from the ancient military designs were of a wheeled variety there were others too.  In some campaigns the Muster required light vehicles that could traverse ground that wheeled and tracked designs could not.  While repulsar technology was available its relative expense compared to more primitive lifter technology for hover propulsion made the production of a huge number of Adder Combat Lifters the feasible choice for equipping the Prydian Army.  Worlds with a lot of water and swamps and also urban zones with broken ground were ideal for these vehicles.   They could carry a four man fire-team or they could act in a support role with mounted weapons in the same range as those used by crewed weapons or battlesuits.  A modular hull meant that often only the turret and some internal systems had to be changed over to create a new model in the series.  

Adder Combat Lifters and Cars come in many types within the series.  With an average weight of just over seven tons and roughly seventeen feet in length that Adder is not as resilient a vehicle as the Mullo used by the Retained but its easier to maintain.  A colour coding system is in use to make Adders easy to assign to Regiments (and indeed the Marcher Barons use the same system) and to allow Muster who can sometimes not be as used to war as a Retained Knight a simple recognition method.  The Red Adder is the standard Combat Lifter with space for four and mounting a turret with a Moth 88 Rotary Cannon.  The Yellow Adder is  the fire support lifter and has two crew along with a turret with a twin Anda 60mm Missile Pod.  The Black Adder acts as an armoured punch giving the Muster the ability to knock out battlesuits and other smaller tough targets with two crew and a turret mounted Fretan Rail Gun.  Less common is the Orange Adder which is infantry support mounting a specialised turret with a Moth 30 automatic 50mm Grenade Launcher which is a recent introduction to the series.  Others in the Adder lifter series include the Green Adder which is a command and control at the platoon and company level and the White Adder for medical teams and battlefield triage.  The 'Battle Taxi' type Grey Adder is heavily modified and can carry two fire-teams or a whole squad at a real squeeze.  There are also some very specialised Adders too for purposes such as Blue Adder, the Brown Adder and the Purple Adder.  Every Muster Regiment is in possession of hundreds of Adders across the spectrum for all its roles and since they are so easy to fabricate and to maintain they are making a real impact in the ongoing Civil War and in the Camarthen Star System too.
Academy Auto-Trainer Series 08, New Glastonbury, 4319IC

Welcome to our final releases and offers for January 2015 and its a cracker!  We have two new releases into our 15mm vehicle range and an offer on the whole Adder range of light vehicles as well. The new releases are a Control Combat Car and a Control Combat Lifter both are meant for command and control of your forces while the offer is 10% off the already excellent price of 4.00GBP per vehicle in the Adder series.  There are now twelve different Adders to choose from with a Control, Smashed and four weapon variants in the Car and Lifter types of Adder.  

Read on for more and click through when ready or just click HERE to go straight to the Prydian Army 15mm Vehicles page of our website.

Two New Releases!

IAF035E Green Adder Control Car
This pack contains one white metal and resin vehicle. A four wheeled light vehicle in the 'Green Adder' combat car variant for command and control on the battlefield and mounting extra armour and comms gear. An Adder kit once assembled is approx 45mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall. All Adders are supplied with a one piece hull including wheels and with a separate top mount in resin and white metal. Typically only two or three pieces which are very easy to assemble. Great Value! The Adder is the standard light ground vehicle for the Muster.  Used for a variety of purposes and in many variants it typically has a crew of two and is capable of dealing with low level threats.  There are many IAF035 variants and also the IAF037 Smashed Adder which depicts your wheeled Adder on a bad day an excellent piece with a variety of uses.  Price 4.00GBP each or see the option to But Three and Save 10%.  Go HERE.

IAF036E Green Adder Control Lifter
This pack contains one white metal and resin vehicle. A hover light vehicle in the 'Green Adder' combat lifter variant with communication gear and armour for a Command and Control role on the battlefield.  Once assembled it is approx 60mm long, 30mm wide and about 25mm tall. All Adders are supplied with a one piece hull and with a separate top mount in resin and white metal. Typically only two parts and very easy to assemble. Great Value! The Adder is the standard light ground vehicle for the Muster.  Used for a variety of purposes and in many variants it typically has a crew of two and is capable of dealing with low level threats.  There are many IAF036 variants and also the IAF038 Smashed Adder which depicts your hover Adder on a bad day an excellent piece with a variety of uses.  Price 4.00GBP each or see the option to But Three and Save 10%.  Go HERE.

The Adder Offer!

There are now twelve different Adders in our series of light wheeled and hover variant vehicles in 15mm scale.  Great for use in any present day, near future or space opera setting for low intensity warfare.  We have taken 10% off the already great price of 4.00GBP each of these vehicles on our website.  Go to the Prydian Army Vehicles page and look for the 'offer' sticker.  No other codes or such is needed just add the chosen Adders to your cart and remember you earn Reward Points on all orders!  Go HERE.  Below is a list of all of the Adders.

IAF035A  Red Adder Combat Car (Mini-Gun Turret)
IAF035B Yellow Adder Fire Support Car (Missile Pod Turret) 
IAF035C Black Adder Punch Car (Rail Gun Turret) 
IAF035D Orange Adder Combat Car (Grenade Turret) 
!AF035E Green Adder Control Car (Comms Gear)
IAF037 Smashed Adder Car (Wheeled Destroyed Vehicle) 

IAF036A Red Adder Combat Lifter (Mini-Gun Turret) 
IAF036B Yellow Adder Fire Support Lifter (Missile Pod Turret) 
IAF036C Black Adder Punch Lifter (Rail Gun Turret)
IAF036D Orange Adder Combat Lifter (Hermit Grenade Turret) 
IAF036E Green Adder Control Lifter (Comms Gear)
IAF038 Smashed Adder Lifter (Hover Destroyed Vehicle)

This offer lasts until the 31st of January 2015 so place your orders now!

Information Burst!
Its turned into a snow and wind blasted month here in Scotland but that has not stopped the advance of The Ion Age!  Oh no.  We are as busy as always and following up on last week's five new top mount turrets for our Hab Dome terrain system we have two new variants of Adder Combat Car and Adder Combat Lifter.  This is our last releases and offers for January so if you are planning a purchase and want to get the current free miniature IMP17 Far Trader or indeed you want to use your stored up Reward Points in your Ion Age account  towards a January order you have until the end of the month.  We will be back 1st of February 2015 and we will have more releases and pre-views and more to show you in the second month of the year and then things really start motoring as well as a new free monthly miniature. Exciting!  If you have any questions or comments we always welcome them and are happy to help so say hello.   Finally remember that by placing an order with us you will sign up for an account with the website and that means you get Reward Points in all purchases.  These points can be used any time to get free products and discounts on orders. 

Thanks for Reading.


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